Category: Interviews & Stories

Interviews & Stories

Psychic Readings, Evidential Mediumship, and Spiritual Healing Mediumship with Regg Evans

Regg Evans, a gifted psychic, medium, and spiritual healing medium, shares his incredible journey from a childhood awakening to becoming a professional spiritual practitioner. In this interview, he discusses his unique experiences, psychic sessions, and the profound impact of his spiritual healing services. MysticMag has the pleasure.

When was your first awakening moment and how did you discover your gifts?

I recall my first awakening moment when I was a young very aware kid dealing with traumatic nightmares. These triggered anxiety and panic attacks. I remember heightened senses, feeling waves of emotions, a clear knowing that someone was close with silhouettes of three forms off in the distance. I remember some confusion about what was happening but as a kid, this feeling never resolved itself until later in life.

One evening stood out more than any other evening, I remember as a kid that I can point back to my awakening. I was having nightmares and remembered I asked God for help and as a kid, this was the simplest way to communicate with God. I remember after my talk with God and that “Ask” for help that I soon felt a warm light surrounding me and this light had a clear feeling of what I have known as love, support, and safety. The next thing I remember was a feeling of protection and a warm bright light surrounding me. In this light, there was silence but also some form of communication that eased my feelings and calmed my mind where I was able to sleep in peace. After that night, I knew something had changed with me. I knew a meaningful shift occurred inside of me changing everything from sensing, hearing, and feeling, to just knowing. This was also my first understanding that I was sensitive without fully knowing what this meant for a kid like me.

This awakening shift changed how I moved through the world from my childhood through my adult life experiences. My experiences in life taught me lessons of trusting, surrendering, and believing in myself. My gifts started manifesting in how I worked within my career profession, my education, my social activities, and how I connected with people and circumstances. I quickly started feeling a pulling of being of service, not knowing how this would unfold. I remember viewing my life as changes were happening out of my control paving the way for my life as a Psychic, Medium, and Spiritual Healing Medium to begin. I acknowledge and define my gift as an Empath, Psychic, Medium, and Spiritual Healing Medium. My life has always been a building block of spiritual experiences and shaping my growth. This Journey is never-ending!

Can you walk me through one of your psychic sessions?

All my sessions begin with a clearing of my space and my mind. Next, I set the intention raise my vibrations and spiritual energy. I start with a mediation to elevate my spirit and higher self. I also enjoy clearing my space with a burning white sage and or palo santo stick.

The next step would be to welcome my client to our session. During this time, I address any questions that they may have and to promote a safe environment for the client to relax and feel comfortable. It is also important that I let my client know as a psychic and medium I am not always 100% accurate. I also advise my clients and they may understand some of the evidence during our session and some will be revealed after our session. Some messages and evidence can manifest in the form of a memory, feeling, sense, smell, sign, symbol, déjà vu, and other ways that will connect with our session. My client session always ends with a closing email with me thanking them for working with me and I always share highlights of our session for their record from our time together.

What Spiritual Healing services do you offer?

I offer complimentary Spiritual Healing Services as an addition or stand-alone service option with my services. As a Spiritualist, it is my intention to be an instrument for healing energy from God to be sent through me and in the direction of my patient client. It is never my goal or intention to direct any healing since I am just the channeler for God’s Healing Energy to pass through me. I don’t predict or guarantee any healing results. Spiritual Healing can be facilitated in-person Contact, in person Distant and Absent (and Virtual) which can be to anyone and anywhere.

What are some of the most memorable experiences you had during your sessions?

I have had some amazing experiences with many sessions and clients that validate the evidence, and the feeling of a greater connection. I honor my time with my clients and will always safeguard all messages and information from our sessions. I can share that I am honored when clients resonate with my messages, guidance, and evidence that is shared during my sessions. I feel validated and humbled when I receive feedback from a session where the evidence from the reading manifested.

What sets you apart from your colleagues?

I was never worried about my colleagues or trying to compare myself with them. I never focus on putting energy into anything that sets us apart, I operate from a heart-centered space to only be supported in nature, building connections and a spiritual community.

I am personable, honest, genuine, and authentic as a person. I operate my business, my approach to my client readings, and how I continue to develop and learn more about myself. My client interactions and experiences help me grow and develop into a more meaningful practitioner.

Is there anything that you’d like to add?

I enjoy the opportunity to work as a Psychic, Medium, and Spiritual Healing Medium. I am partnered with two amazing organizations that have tested my abilities and background my credentials that validates my professional credentials. I want this article to provide a brief authentic introduction to who I am and my credentials as a Professional Psychic, Medium, and Spiritual Healing Medium.

I believe that our humanity is meant to not only be a conversation between each other but also a conversation to share our way of communicating with spiritual modalities through Psychic Readings, Evidential Mediumship, and Spiritual Healing Mediumship.

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